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Our Little Saps Blog

5 Quick tips for an eco-friendly kids birthday party!
Mother Earth will give you a big, green thumbs up with these 5 quick tips for an eco-friendly birthday party… Hip, hip hooray!

Our 3-Step Care Plan for Your Little Sap Gift Tree
We can hear you thinking: How do I plant a tree? Can I do this? It sounds a bit overwhelming, but no worries: your thumb will turn green in no time with our 3-step Care Guide for your Little Sap gift tree.

5 Benefits of Trees You Probably Didn’t Know Yet
We want to make the world a greener place with our Little Saps. To explain why we are passionate about this mission, we’ve listed 5 somewhat unexpected benefits of trees.

Seed Germination with Kids
Testing seed germination rates are a great activity for kids! It involves science and math.

The Story of Little Saps - Part 2
In our world, we need inspiration. We need something to remind us that our dreams - whatever they are - are possible, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Story of Little Saps - Part 1
My parents are Christmas tree farmers. They have farmed since 1976, first in Michigan and then in North Carolina. But they did not come from a family of farmers.