Words of Encouragement Tanna Greathouse Words of Encouragement Tanna Greathouse

WTS-1 encourage

It may not always seem like it, but our foundation is firm and unyielding. The storms come and while they shake us, we do not fall, for our roots run deep, fastening us to solid ground. Your roots are strong. We know you will make it through this storm.

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Inspirational Messages Tanna Greathouse Inspirational Messages Tanna Greathouse

WTS-9 inspire

It may not always seem like it, but our foundation is firm and unyielding. The storms come and while they shake us, we do not fall, for our roots run deep, fastening us to solid ground. Remember that your roots are strong.

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Wedding Gift Tanna Greathouse Wedding Gift Tanna Greathouse

WTS-2 wedding gift

Let us begin our big life moments in a spirit of love, for if we do, love will be the soil that nurtures our journey. May boundless love always be the foundation of your marriage.

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