What to Say to Inspire Someone
We all need a little inspiration from time to time to face the challenges life throws at us. We hope the messages below help you find the right words to inspire your friends, colleagues, and loved ones.
Congratulations on your new job! We are so excited for you! We know you will do great things. Just take it one step at a time.
Big things often have small beginnings. If this little tree can grow from a tiny seed into a towering tree, just think about what you can do! Best wishes as you start your new job!
New adventures are exciting and sometimes scary. We wish you the best of luck as you start your new job. You’re going to do great!
Congratulations on your new job! You’ve worked really hard for this. We hope this little tree reminds you that through all the ups and downs, you persevered, and you did it! We are so proud of you!
You are one of my favorite people to think about! Just thought you might want to know . . .
You might be far away, but you are always close in my thoughts. I love you, friend, and I am here if you need to talk about anything.
Thoughts of you always make me smile. Thanks for being someone who cheers me up, no matter what’s going on in my life.
Just wanted you to know that I’ve been thinking about you. I wish I could be there with you, but know that I am holding you in my heart today and always.
You have been on my mind and heart lately, so I wanted to send a little something to let you know that I’m thinking of you. I hope it brightens your day. Know that you are deeply loved and you make my life better just by being in it.
We might be miles apart, but you are always planted in my heart. I love you, friend, and I am always here for you.
Sometimes we look for external things to bring us pleasure and fulfillment, but true happiness comes from cultivating a deep and abiding sense of gratitude, wonder, and love. May your days ahead be filled with true happiness, friend.
Big things often have small beginnings. It doesn’t have to happen right away. Take your time, take the first step, and see what comes. I am rooting for you!
Sometimes things seem impossible. When they do, remember this - through the dark soil and the tall weeds, mighty trees grow from small seeds. You can do this.
It may not always seem like it, but our foundation is firm and unyielding. The storms come and while they shake us, we do not fall, for our roots run deep, fastening us to solid ground. Remember that your roots are strong.
We might be miles apart, but you are always planted in my heart. Know that someone far away is thinking of you!
We all have inner reserves that give us strength. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that it’s there. Your roots are strong. I am here if you need anything.