Winter Weather is Here!

...and with it comes a few adjustments to care for our little green companions. While the decorative pot adds a festive touch, it's not a permanent home. If the ground is frozen, planting them in a container is a great option until spring arrives. Remember, Little Saps should not stay indoors for more than five days; they crave sunlight and don't fare well in prolonged dry heat.

During winter, these tiny trees need a period of dormancy triggered by colder temperatures. If you're considering planting them outside, ensure they experience this restful phase. If they have been indoors for awhile, acclimate them to cold weather gradually by placing them in a garage or protected space with sunlight for 10-14 days before transitioning them outdoors.

Witness the beauty of the trees' natural processes as they exhibit a distinctive "winter color" during their dormancy. This unique hue adds to their allure while they rest and prepare for the upcoming seasons. Explore the various Little Saps varieties, each with its own captivating characteristics.

As we brave the chilly days of winter, let's not forget that it's also a perfect time for giving and promoting growth. With Valentine's Day on the horizon, consider gifting a Little Sap – a symbol of love and the promise of growth that lasts well beyond the winter chill.


Little Saps' Green Commitment: Integrating ESG into Our Roots


Celebrate the Season with Little Saps: Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!