4 Tips for an Eco-Conscious Valentine's Day

It’s almost Valentine’s Day - time to show the special someone or someones in your life how much you love them. But did you know that you can love the planet while showing others love too? Below are 4 tips on how to have an environmentally conscious Valentine’s Day.

Tip #1: Cards

There are so many eco-friendly card options, it’s hard to know where to start! You can shop at an earth conscious company like Paper Culture. Paper Culture uses post-consumer waste and wood alternatives when creating their products and they also plant a tree with every order. Check out their Valentine’s Day card collection here.

You can also use plantable seed paper or make your own cards from old magazines, wall calendars, junk mail, paper shopping bags or anything else you have lying around. Or skip the card and go electronic.

Tip #2: Chocolate

Chocolate might be the best part of Valentine’s Day, right? If you are like me, the answer is yes - with a few exclamation points!!! Just make sure the chocolate is fair trade and organic. Fair trade and organic chocolate is probably better for you too. So it’s doubly guilt free?? Read more about organic chocolate vs regular chocolate at Delishably and then more about fair trade chocolate at Facts About Chocolate.

Tip #3: Food

Eat at a restaurant that uses locally sourced foods or cook a meal at home with ingredients from your local farmer’s market. Supporting restaurants that buy food from nearby farmers - or buying directly from the farmers themselves - helps keep dollars in your community and supports agricultural production on local farmlands. Plus, locally sourced foods do not travel as far, so fewer harmful pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere by vehicles transporting food.

Tip #4: Flowers

Flowers are lovely, especially when purchased from a local flower farm or gathered from your own backyard. However, consider an alternative - a tree! Trees will last a lifetime. If you want to be uber-romantic, plant a tree with your loved one to symbolize your relationship's strength and endurance. Place a list (on compostable paper of course) of all the things you love about each other under its roots.

Looking for a tree? We know where to find one! Check out the Little Saps online store to shop our Valentine’s Day collection of tree seedlings.

Little Saps Tree Seedlings Valentine's Day


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